
Photon by Vmware is an container enabled os. It comes with docker preinstalled as a minimal ova file. (

Add multiple NIC

Follow (

Remember the number indicates the priority of the if. The lower the number, the higher the priority.

Default iptables

Photon’s default iptables drop all incoming traffice. Edit iptables to change the firewall rule. To presist the changes:

/etc/systemd/scripts/iptables is a script thats executed on iptables service start. so you can add your rules at the end of that script and the restore will be automatic.

add new esxi virtual disk

I’m not able to change the size of default ova disk. It might be a bug. When I resize the disk, the photon os just won’t boot.

Instead I create a new virtual disk and attach it to the photon os. Notice you might need to reset the SAS contorller settings. I used LSI Logic SAS and have to create a new SAS controller and pass both OS disk and Data disk to it.

Partition the disk and set up cifs

Use tdnf install parted to install GNU parted. I found it easier to use compare to build-in fdisk. Follow arch wiki to partition the disk(

I used GPT as the partition schemes. Not sure if MBR will do it as I didn’t test.

Follow fstab to add partition to fstab so OS will mount it at startup (

Mount CIFS to system

I’ve already created a CIFS share in Freenas, here is how to mount it in linux

mount -t cifs // /media/Very-NAS -o username=smb,password=smb,uid=$USER,gid=$USER

You can also add mount to fstab so OS will mount it upon startup. You will need to add a few flags to get it work. In my case, I add _netdev flag

docker bugs

In one of the docker image I used, I was not able to run it due to cgroup not preset. Use cgroup-utils to isntall it. After installation, restart the OS. I tried mount -a, it won’t work.